• The Inventory War
  • Storage Vault Technology
  • Leader in Singapore
  • Q&A / Order
  • Economics relies on logistics. Logistics, in turn, relies on Inventory management. Businesses that excel in Inventory control and distribution shall win the war. With advances of technology, techniques in Inventory management create a new chapter on logistics, as exemplified by Amazon in America and Alibaba in Asia.
  • Storage Vault was initiated a decade ago, with the same vault stretching into the front yard, back to warehouse and transporting through contents. The techniques on constructing, managing and handling of Storage Vaults have matured over the decade. Led by logistics company Maker Trading and relocation company Crown, Vault based inventory management was born to Singapore.
  • Maker Trading is the largest and most comprehensive Storage Vault company in Singapore. It owns over 1000 vaults, each at 7 Cubic Metres capacity, island-wide. Retrofitted reach trucks handle the vaults. Once mastering the vault management, the obvious consequence is tripling of storage capacity. Storage Vaults technique is now ready for the warehousing industry here.
  • *


    Square feet Cubic meter
    // Length mth
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  • About Us
  • Services and Clientele
  • Self-Storage Function
  • Promotions
  • Contact Us
  • Maker Trading was established as a logistics company in 2008. It introduced the Storage Vault technology from the United States and started collaboration with C&P based in Penjuru Lane, Jurong. The knowhow was perfected in 2010 and the Company expanded into the east and central regions of Singapore. The clients include DHL and Jumbo Restaurant.
  • At any time, over 10 thousand Cubic Metres of powder milk and over 20 thousand new mattresses are waiting in line to be distributed in Singapore. This is our typical clientele. Our specialty is large volume secured Inventory Management. The heart of our logistics operation is Storage Vaults of 1.5 M x 2.4M x 2.3 M. Each can be regarded as a storage room of 40 Square Feet or 7 Cubic Metres.
  • While designed for inventory warehousing, the Company attracted many self-storage storers during its growth. Clients want to access their own unit sand the rest 99.9% of surrounding facility is regarded as barren. The Storage Vaults come with locking mechanism so storers use them as 40 square feet self-storage units. This is like using a gigantic bank safety deposit box.
  • Many promotions have been built into standard offerings. These include moving in free handling service and free packing materials. Currently, promotion is on with first month free rent for longer period commitment. Price promotion includes matching up with other company’s rental offerings. However, it would be hard to beat our rent offering.
  • ShowroomStock Personnel can be reached at

    10 Anson Road #03-02103 Defu Lane 10 #05-02 and

    14 Jln Besut Level 4

    9:30 am - 5:30 pm9 am - 5:30 pm


    Phone: +65 63361000Fax: +65 63339337

    WhatsApp: 83997583


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The Inventory War

Economics relies on logistics. Logistics, in turn, relies on Inventory management. Businesses that excel in Inventory control and distribution shall win the war. With advances of technology, techniques in Inventory management create a new chapter on logistics, as exemplified by Amazon in America and Alibaba in Asia.

Storage Vault Technology

Storage Vault was initiated a decade ago, with the same vault stretching into the front yard, back to warehouse and transporting through contents. The techniques on constructing, managing and handling of Storage Vaults have matured over the decade. Led by logistics company Maker Trading and relocation company Crown, Vault based inventory management was born to Singapore.

Leader in Singapore

Maker Trading is the largest and most comprehensive Storage Vault company in Singapore. It owns over 1000 vaults, each at 7 Cubic Metres capacity, island-wide. Retrofitted reach trucks handle the vaults. Once mastering the vault management, the obvious consequence is tripling of storage capacity. Storage Vaults technique is now ready for the warehousing industry here.

Online Q&A / Order